07 Easy tips in coronavirus The Whole world is in pain panic and in stress right now, because of the global pandemic CRONA VIRUS (COVID-19). If you’re feeling pained or stressed by it all, just calm down it’s a normal reaction for any human, just relax your self as much as you can and follow below daily life Tips if you Found yourself stressed isolation caused by corona virus CORONA STRESS REALSE TIPS FOR YOU. CORONA STRESS REALSE TIPS FOR YOU 1.Keep Yourself active and busy in Physical Activities. We all known to this fact that exercise is really good for both our physical and mental fitness. There are a lot of different types of exercise you can do at home, thanks to internet. We’ve given below a few free ones but doing whatever works for you. CRUNCHES AND SITUPS AND YOGA. STAY ALONE BUT ACTIVE RUNING MECHINE OR RUN-ON PLANE BORAD INDOR GYM CORONA STRESS REALSE TIPS FOR YOU These are just Tips and suggestions , do whatever works for you. If you can go outside, consider going for...